Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Composite Wristwarmers

Wristwarmers, originally uploaded by J MoRo.

Ta Da.. aren't these lovelies, just beaudacious? I work in an office that is cold in the winter, spring, fall and summer. Imagine, the air conditioning required to make an office too cold in the summer. Shameful. Just reread that and realized I sound like an old lady.. I'm not... really...

These wonderful little beauties will be my wrist's best friends. The yarn was much thinner than was called for in the recipe.. so I had to improvise. I used the gauge pattern from Anne Budd's book of recipes.. and cast on 60 stitches, knit the garmet's according to the standard mitten recipe, but followed the fair isle charts from Interweave Holiday Edition 2007. Left the bobbles off on the ribbing, since the thin alpaca yarn was a bit hard to manage at that stage.

All in all - I LOVE THEM. And am getting many envious looks from my colleagues. I will have to knit versions that I don't love so much, so i can bear to give them away.

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